BEYONCÉ - Daily Inspiration / Inspiração do Dia

09:54 Unknown 0 Comments

Good morning!

Yesterday had said I had prepared an overdose of posts, but it armed the rain à la Brazil and it hadn't been without electricity and Internet until  night! Anyway ...

This post is dedicated to Beyoncé / DIVA who knows how to slap in societies face for a long time. Married to one of the most influential rappers in the music scene, as well as very successful singer and wife, she's a mother, businesswoman, actress, owner of an enviable beauty (tearful) a body of a goddess, an unrivaled wealth and is still helpful and kind. So many qualities we think, "but this woman has no flaws?". Yes, she have, because she is human and she's real, and that's why we like it her much.

Let us recall some videos of her spectacular career and inspire in the looks :)


Bom dia!

Ontem tinha dito que tinha preparado uma overdose de posts, mas armou aquela chuva à la Brasil e não tivesse ficado sem luz e Internet até de noite! Anyway...
Este post é dedicado à DIVA Beyoncé que sabe sambar na cara da sociedade desde há muito tempo. Casada com um dos rappers mais influentes do cenário musical, para além de cantora de muito sucesso e esposa, é mãe, empresária, atriz, dona de uma beleza invejável (chorosa), um corpo de deusa, de uma fortuna inigualável e ainda é atenciosa e bondosa. Tantas qualidades que pensamos, "mas essa mulher não tem defeitos não?". Tem porque ela é humana e real, e por isso que gostamos tanto dela.
Vamos relembrar alguns vídeos da carreira espetacular dela e nos inspirar nos looks :)

Work It Out

Crazy In Love

Baby Boy

Me, Myself And I

Naughty Girl

Check On It

Dejà Vu

Ring The Alarm



Beautiful Liar

Upgrade U

Kitty Kat

Green Light

Get Me Bodied

Freakum Dress

If I Were A Boy

Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)


Broken-Hearted Girl

Sweet Dreams

Video Phone

Run The World (Girls)

Best Thing I Never Had


Love On Top


End Of Time

Drunk In Love


Grown Woman

And don't forget the walk à la Beyoncé: / E não esquece, andar à la Beyoncé:

All images are from site. / Todas as imagens são do site

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